08. Self-Driving Car History

Self-Driving Car History

Stanley - The car that Sebastian Thrun and his team at Stanford built to win the DARPA Grand Challenge.

Stanley - The car that Sebastian Thrun and his team at Stanford built to win the DARPA Grand Challenge.

The recent advancements in self-driving cars are built on decades of work by people around the world.

In the next video, you'll get a chance to step back and learn about some of this work and how your own contributions may one day fit into this narrative.

In particular, you'll get a chance to relive the DARPA Grand Challenge, one of the great milestones in self-driving car technology, and meet some of the people who took on this seemingly impossible task.

This video is not required, but we highly encourage you to watch it when you get the chance.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!